International Workshop




Bogotá, August 28-29, 2014 




Escuela de Ciencias Humanas

Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud

Universidad del Rosario


Place: Sede Centro, Casa Rosarista, salón Calandayma

Universidad del Rosario

Calle 12 C # 6 - 25

Organizers: Mónica García, Josep Simon and Stefan Pohl Valero


This workshop aims to discuss historical cases dealing with the co-construction of science (natural and social) and medicine in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. With the aim of circumventing historical narratives that assume an a priori distinction between science and medicine, this workshop seeks contributions which problematize the alleged boundaries between them. We are particularly interested in research that shows how historical actors’ categories and behaviours with regard to what they do and define as pertaining to “science” and/or “medicine”, contributed to the creation of new objects of enquiry, technologies and specialties, or to the obsolescence of analogous entities, previously standard. Moreover, the workshop will explore how discussions and practices about the boundaries between science and medicine, as defined by historical actors, have been shaped through translational activities such as training, communication and policy making. A sample of major questions addressed by this workshop is:

  • How have the holders of expert knowledge established boundaries between science and medicine?
  • How have the attributes of being “scientific” or pertaining to the “medical” realm been used to make original knowledge claims?
  • What are the spaces in which medicine and science are made to appear as different or the same?
  • What has been the discursive and practical role of conflict and cooperation between science and medicine as defined by actors themselves?
  • How have new objects of enquiry and technologies been built at the crossroad of what contemporaries experienced as scientific and medical endeavours?
  • How have ideas of science and medicine and their boundaries been shaped by training, communication and policy making?



Thursday 28th August 2014


8:00-8:30 Welcome and Introduction



  • Hormones in cities: Ludwig Fraenkel’s creation of endocrinological research in Montevideo and his international research network, 1940-51Ramona A. Braun (University of Cambridge, Cambridge)

9:00-9:30 Discussion



  • The Conflicted Legacy of Biological Stress. Vanessa Burrows (CUNY Graduate Center, New York) [Teleconference]

10:00-10:30 Discussion


10:30-11:00 Coffee Break



  • Science, Technology, or Medicine? The Case of the Construction of Officer Selection Tests for the British Army. Alice White (University of Kent, Canterbury) [Teleconference]

11:30-12:00 Discussion


12:00-14:30 Lunch



  • Physics, Medicine and Beyond: The Disciplinary Politics of Medical Physics in Nineteenth-Century Paris (1795-1888)Josep Simon. (Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá)

15:00-15:30 Discussion


15:30-16:00 Coffee Break



  • Manuel S. Soriano (1837-1927): The Publishing and Authorship Practices of Science and Medicine in the Mexican Medical PressDalia Valdez (UNAM, México DF)

16:30-17:00 Discussion 


Friday 29th August 2014



  • Chicha as a Chemical, Medical, and Social Problem: the Mobile Boundaries of an Object of Scientific InquiryStefan Pohl-Valero (Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá)

9:00-9:30 Discussion



  • From the Forest to the Lab: the Introduction of Curare in MedicineDaniele Cozzoli (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)

10:00-10:30 Discussion


10:30-11:00 Coffee Break



  • “An Extraordinarily Characteristic Phenomenon”: the Experimental Histology of Alois Alzheimer. Mateo Muñoz (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA)

11:30-12:00 Discussion


12:00-14:30 Lunch



  • Debating Economic Crises and Health: Science and Public HealthMónica García (Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá)

15:00-15:30 Discussion


15:30-17:00 Conclusions Workshop






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